All posts by Ashka

All Smiles

She walks into class, spreading her positive energy and excitement all around. She smiles in her usual sweet manner as her eyes twinkle passionately. Her smile really has the power to make anyone forget about all their worries. Watching her teach Chemistry is an experience in itself! Proactive and effective, her teaching clearly displays her love for the subject. I always thought that there was something seriously wrong with the people who like Chemistry; she changed that thought of mine. The way her head tilts and her eyes pop out is pretty amusing.

The doubts I come up with in Chemistry are just out of this world. Once we were discussing organic Chemistry and I said, “Ma’am, I can’t differentiate between the various organic compounds. They all look the same to me”. She said, “You’re dyslexic when it comes to organic compounds”.I’ll be honest; she made my day by saying that! Never in my whole life had anyone ever understood me so well until on that fine day when she called me dyslexic. Seriously speaking, organic Chemistry and I have a very strange relationship. I’m sure CIE reels under a state of shock when my Chemistry paper is checked. They see impossible and irrelevant compounds drawn so boldly in the paper. Maybe they also consider trying to make some of those compounds. Just saying, if anything destructive happens in Cambridge University’s Chemistry laboratories, I’m not to be held responsible. I was just trying to finish off my paper somehow; they took the random crap I wrote too seriously.

Chemistry has usually been the first paper we give in our internals, so once we’re done with it we badger her and keep asking whether she has checked our papers or not. “What you all had done in paper 5” she laughs. We laugh and wonder the same. Once somehow I got one mark more in Chemistry than in Physics. Her level of happiness was so high! I had never seen her happier. That PTM she couldn’t sit still. She was smiling wide and was extremely happy. If one mark could make her so happy I’d deliberately get less in Physics in the next internals! I’d leave the Physics paper blank if she wants! She keeps telling me that I have a mental block for Chemistry. Every time she says that, I wish she taught another subject.

When she’s clearing my doubts she’s all fluent and clear and very confident about her explanations. On the other hand, this is me –“That exists? Huh? Oh! Wait, what??? Uh…How on earth?! Oh! Now I get it! Okay never mind. I’m still blank”. She then sighs hopelessly, opens the textbook and points out the exact thing that the question asks for. ‘Oh! That exists here! Maybe I should consider reading the textbook’ I think to myself. Jokes apart, having said all of that, she has a record with me, at the end of our session somehow or the other she manages to drill the concept into my unwelcoming mind.

I have probably been one of the most difficult students she has taught, but she never lost her patience with me. I might have lost hope in myself, but she never did. “Keep your target high” she always said to me. She always tried to explain the concepts to me in each and every possible way. Her explanations always make things seem so obvious. When she explains certain answers to me I feel I could get 100% in the exam. That feeling lasts only until I try a question without her around. Sometimes just looking at her helps! That’s why I always consider keeping a photo of her with me during the Chemistry exams. One can never be too well-prepared for Chemistry!

You Need To Kind Of…

We glance at the timetable and relax a bit. It isn’t HER period. We take a leisurely stroll outside to the corridor and stand there having ‘a gala time’, when suddenly a stern voice behind us says “Get in”. As soon as the voice registers, we all drag ourselves in and take our seats.

“Homework done?” she asks the class as she gets one of us to clean the board. A few nod in response while the others wait for someone to raise their hand and use all their courage to say ‘No’. After the first ‘No’ has been said, a few others get up and join the group.

She looks down for a moment as if gulping the words she so longs to scream, and manages to mutter a relatively soft “Why?” All sorts of clichéd excuses pile up as blood boils in her head. “Remain standing” she orders and starts going through our work. She controls her hands from throwing each book outside the window, as her pet dialogue finds its way out – “What kind of shitty work is this?”

“I’ll have to kind of start giving detention now. Why can’t you give me sincere work for once?” she yells.

Because ‘I like English’ said no one ever, we all think to ourselves.

“You don’t have to like me or the subject. You are expected to work” she says as if reading our thoughts.

“We will give you the work by the end of the day” we say.

She asks for the passage she asked us to comment on and quickly skims through it, her eyes darting about from line to line. Some of us utilize that time to engage ourselves in a conversation, while a few of us look at her, admiring her personality. Her sharp eyes, her sleek black hair that falls just below her ears, her radical thoughts and great life lessons inspire us. She tries her best not to pass on her biases to us, but I guess she isn’t successful in that especially with a few of us.

I remember asking her once whether she had read ‘Joseph Anton’ by Salman Rushdie. “I don’t like his writing” came the immediate response. “I’ve read his ‘Midnight’s Children’ because I had to, but otherwise…” she trailed off. “See, the thing is he’s too complex. I like things which are simple and direct you know” I nodded silently. “Rushdie never spoke to me” she added. I nodded again. “But don’t let that influence you! Try him out” she says quickly as if noticing how her few words changed my views. ‘Too late’ I think to myself. ‘My role model just asked me not to get influenced by her. That should be easy!’

She’s done with the passage in less than a minute and she looks up to find us lost in our own sweet world. She begins discussing the passage and asks us for comments. We respond with whatever little we understand. “Haaa….good!” she says as a subtle smile appears. “Now fine-tune it. Give me a tight-knit comment” she adds, crushing our short-lasted relief.

None of us respond, and all she gets is a cold, dead silence. She asks us for the comment a few more times, but none of us even move.

“Am I talking to the walls?” she asks pretty seriously. “Even the furniture will start responding right?” she asks, smiling at her old joke as we smile politely in return. Sometimes it feels like she waits for a chance to
say all this!

Our blank expressions annoy her, so she gives up on us and frames the comment herself. It seems so effortless when she does it, but when it comes to us it feels like we have to make a decision on whether or not to plan a nuclear attack on another country. Actually, even that decision seems easier than framing a proper comment.

After she is done explaining, we frown a little and nod to display the minuscule development in our understanding. “Am I reaching you? Does it make sense now?” she asks skeptically. We nod in unison as our insides scream ‘Whaaattt??!!”

“See, you need to kind of condition yourself for such work” she says. She goes on for a while and then says “Anyway, that was just a digression” (after talking about the ‘digression’ for 15-20 minutes)

“See, grades don’t matter. You need to grow up to be good human beings” she says. ‘Wait for it’ we tell ourselves, here it comes…and Boom! “Having said that, I still need the work by the end of the day” she says, smiling to herself.

She spots her favourite target sitting in his place with his expressionless face, and decides to have some fun.

“You’re thinking ‘when will this woman leave’ right?” she says to the student who I like to call ‘Dodo’. She laughs at his reluctant ‘No ma’am’ and turns to the class.

“You’d kill all your teachers if you could right?” she asks as we laugh with her. ‘No ma’am. We’d rather kill ourselves. Can’t take the risk of you haunting us later’ we think.

“Anyway, coming back to the passage. What is the tone?”

Ah! Finally that question. That horrible, horrible question. The one that causes more harm than any of the medieval torture techniques. As usual, no one utters a word. Our natural instincts make us look at the clock. She notices that obviously, nothing misses her eyes. “I’m not letting you go until you give me the tone” she says.

The bell rings, and the period ends without that question being answered. “Go for your break” she mutters and walks out thinking about what a hopeless batch we are.

Online Stalking

You can’t make someone fall in love with you. You can only stalk them on social media and hope for the best. To my juvenile and immature teenage brain whose thought process was at par with that of a dim pigeon, stalking seemed like the perfect and perhaps only option to get the love of my life to love me back. And so naturally, that is exactly what I did. Even though that experience didn’t quite end the way I would have preferred it to, at least I learned a lesson from it.

I fell flat on my face for him the day he joined school. I felt this certain tinge of excitement run through me. And so obviously, I tracked him down on the vast range of social networking sites, and added him as my friend. I smiled, satisfied with the hour’s work. At least now he was an actual part of my virtual world. That was quite some progress for the first day.

“What are you up to? You seem unusually engrossed in your work, if that is what you’re doing” my father noted.

“Important project. I have to complete it today. Submission date is coming up quite soon” I replied.

Pleased with my answer, he went back to his work, and left me alone, giving me time to discover all that I could about my new-found love. My curiosity started off with me spending half an hour to forty five minutes going through his profile and posts each day, and it went on to reach a lengthy duration of five hours. Before I knew it, I had turned into one of those people who I had despised earlier. I was officially an online stalker. Circumstances made me so.

He joined three years ago right when I did! At that moment I knew that we were meant to be! Moving on, I traced each small step that he took right from the time he joined till the current date. In between I found a highly disturbing revelation. There I saw, a photo of him with his former girlfriend. Well, I forgave him. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes bad choices. Moving on to his friends list, let’s see, same surname, hence sister or maybe a young aunt. Different surname but his mother also has her in her friend list, so she has to be a relative or family friend maybe, either way she’s not a hindrance in my way.

He liked another girl’s photo! How could he do that? I mean, of course he can do that, but why would he do it? Doesn’t he have the slightest idea that I love him? Maybe he does. But if he does, then why hasn’t he reacted to that? Maybe he doesn’t care. Or maybe he does care and he’s just playing hard-to-get! Upon realising what was happening inside that thick head of mine, I shut down the laptop immediately and lied down to at least try and sort out my messed up brain.

I heard my mother yell out for me so I went at once to hear what she had to say. She asked me to get ready in ten minutes as we were going to go out for dinner with some distant relatives of ours who had recently moved to this city. I pulled up a pair of jeans and the first decent tee shirt I could find, put on a pair of old sneakers and took the car out as I waited for the rest of my family to get ready to leave. On the way to the restaurant my mother briefed me about the people we were going to meet, and somehow I managed to understand how they were related to me. They were basically a distant aunt, uncle and cousin of mine. Great! New relatives to deal with. As if the ones I already had weren’t enough.

We reached the restaurant and went ahead and booked a table, seated ourselves and ordered beverages. After about five minutes or so, my parents rose suddenly and I looked around expecting to find these new relatives of mine. I choked and spurted lemonade all over my sister, who unfortunately was sitting right in front of me. She wasn’t pleased, not at all. Well, neither was I! There right in front of me, I saw all my fantasies and dreams shatter to a million pieces. There he stood with his parents, my future husband-to-be or rather now future husband-was-to-be.

“Janet, this is your cousin Allen” my mother said introducing him to me.

“We’ve met aunty! We’re in the same class” he said with that smile that had captivated me earlier.

“You have? That’s wonderful!” came the remark of his parents and mine.

I looked at him and smiled, offering my hand for a warm handshake instead of for marriage. In one word, the entire situation was just plain ‘awkward’ for me. And to add on, later on during dinner I also found out that his father, my uncle, was my new maths teacher. Smiling politely, I focused on the food with a broken heart. All those efforts that I put in, all that hard work, and all that time that I spent stalking him online, all of it was in vain. I’ll keep in mind to be a little more careful about who I fall for and stalk the next time.